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    Loyalty and Respect


    Posts : 57
    Join date : 2009-04-10

    Loyalty and Respect Empty Loyalty and Respect

    Post  Admin Mon May 11, 2009 3:45 pm

    Loyalty and Respect in Overdrive


    Its earned plain and simple its earned. You help out a fellow crew member with an issue. That may be to hit list some one or to be the middle man on an issue to help resolve it. You are there when they just need to talk about anything. That's how Respect is earned not given or bought.


    Is when you stand side by side with a crew member.
    You stand up for a crew member in need.
    They return the favor for you.

    Back stabbers/Liars

    You will find Backstabbers and Liars all over this game.
    They will smile and play nice and wait for the second they can back stab you. Then they will repeatedly lie to you and say no it was not me or my crew.

    Always what your back cause there is Loyal and Respected Crew and there is the others.

    Stinger Splash

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