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    OverdriveCrypt Chat Room Rules


    Posts : 57
    Join date : 2009-04-10

    OverdriveCrypt Chat Room Rules Empty OverdriveCrypt Chat Room Rules

    Post  Admin Thu May 21, 2009 4:08 pm



    1) Be Respectful of others while in chat

    2) Be aware of what language you are using in the chat ( I.E The F-Word and other words

    3) When talking about Adult subjects use your judgment on what is appropriate talk

    4) If you have a problem with some one go to PC (Private Chat)

    5) If you have a problem that cannot be resolved with the person let a person with a Gold Peg or the person in charge of chat know what is going on so it can be resolved

    Punishment for breaking Chat Rules

    1st Time you break a rule You are Verbaly Warned

    2nd Time you break a rule You are made quest for chat for 4 hrs

    3rd Time you break a rule You are made quest for chat for 8hrs

    4th Time you break a rule You are Banned from Chat

    Rules Subject to change at anytime with out warning

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:08 pm