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New Overdrive Tips On How to play and have fun playing Overdrive,Enhancements List and Achievements List,Properites List and Car List has been added!!!

    Specific car specific enhancement breakdown/list (Specific list of what cars need what enhancements)?


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    Specific car specific enhancement breakdown/list (Specific list of what cars need what enhancements)? I_vote_lcap100%Specific car specific enhancement breakdown/list (Specific list of what cars need what enhancements)? I_vote_rcap [100%] 
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    Specific car specific enhancement breakdown/list (Specific list of what cars need what enhancements)? I_vote_lcap0%Specific car specific enhancement breakdown/list (Specific list of what cars need what enhancements)? I_vote_rcap [0%] 
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    Specific car specific enhancement breakdown/list (Specific list of what cars need what enhancements)? I_vote_lcap0%Specific car specific enhancement breakdown/list (Specific list of what cars need what enhancements)? I_vote_rcap [0%] 

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    Join date : 2010-01-17

    Specific car specific enhancement breakdown/list (Specific list of what cars need what enhancements)? Empty Specific car specific enhancement breakdown/list (Specific list of what cars need what enhancements)?

    Post  Z Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:47 pm

    Today I spent 3 hours combing through all enhancements for my 400 cars in an attempt to see if there were differences or not and found significant ones. As I moved up to 405 and then 410 I also found that without buying additional cars, (Quantity already exceeded amount required for level), that I was wrong to buy 5 more of each enhancement. I discovered that this varied from buying 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 of each enhancement. BIG SURPRISE to me!!! Because one garage is as different as the next my particular or anyone else's crew and stats only complicate the question and give everyone the idea I'll copy cat that and you need to do your own homework based on your cars, enhancements, levels, etc. SO MY QUESTION IS HAS ANYONE DONE AN ENHANCEMENT SHEET/LIST PER CAR AND OR LEVEL, ETC.? Going from where I am is not too difficult as I can make adjustments as the levels increase with more cars, new enhancements and some kind of funky variable that makes simply buying five more of everything a waste of laziness and of money lol. Thx for your thoughts.

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:52 am